Pediatric Vision Therapy
Welcome to a world of accessible and engaging vision therapy!

Vision therapy is a prescribed treatment method involving personalized vision training programs designed to enhance vision in cases of abnormal binocular vision or vision development. Vision therapy programs often incorporate a one-on-one session with an eye doctor or vision therapist each week in addition to assigned home activities.
Vision is more than just 20/20 visual acuity, and more than half of the brain is involved in visual processing. Our binocular vision systems use complex, synchronous eye teaming, focusing, and movements to analyze and process the visual world. Binocular vision disorder is an umbrella term for any disorder of eye alignment, teaming, focusing, or movement. Abnormalities of these visual skills can cause uncomfortable symptoms like eyestrain, headaches, reading difficulty, poor depth perception, blurry vision, double vision, dizziness, and more. Convergence insufficiency, the most common binocular vision disorder, is known to affect up to 1 in 8 school-aged children and, when symptomatic, is treated through vision therapy. Other disorders, like amblyopia or “lazy eye,” may not cause symptoms. This, along with the heavy visual demands of life in 2025, highlights the importance of routine pediatric eye exams for early detection of abnormalities.
The diagnosis and treatment of abnormal vision development in children can be time-sensitive. Children’s brains are highly plastic in their early years, requiring sufficient visual input from each eye for normal vision development. Furthermore, strong vision facilitates success in school and sports, thereby fostering holistic child development and maximizing quality of life.
Do you think your child could benefit from vision therapy? Has a provider suggested you seek vision therapy? Contact us to learn more and see if vision therapy is right for you.
The What and Why of Vision Therapy